
This page is an introduction page for kohei web store ‘s operator Kohei.

Introduction of the operator:Kohei


  • Snapchat’s total number of AR lens plays : 3.75 million plays
  • I have work experience in producing sample products using 3D printers.
  • I have work experience in thermal fluid analysis and material strength analysis using 3D models.
  • Pollution prevention manager (water quality)


Operator:Kohei’s career

  • 2004
    Graduated from Ryukoku university
    Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics
    I learned the fun of creating games by creating an Othello game in information processing class (Java).
  • 2004
    Worked at an aluminum extrusion manufacturer
    I was interested in manufacturing, so I got a job and worked in the manufacturing department (7 years) and design department (10 years).
  • 2022
    Established kohei web store
    Started creating 3D models using the knowledge of 3D modeling learned through design.
    I wanted to try moving 3D characters, so I started learning game development software (Unity).
    I wanted to dress up as a Halloween costume online, so I created an AR lens on Snapchat.
  • 2022
    Released 1 title of mobile game
    Release “CAT PUZZLE GAME / Move the tiles”
  • 2023
    Released 2 title of mobile game
    Release “Warmmy & the BeansNumber Match3”
    Release “Polar Bear Hot Sweets Match3”
    Started selling original merchandises
    Snapchat’s AR lens “Ghibli Robonoid” achieves 780,000 plays.
  • 2024
    Released 1 title of mobile game
    Release “Joyful Puppy Jigsaw Puzzles”

Operator information

Management organization namekohei web store
Operation managerKohei
Establishment dateAugust 19, 2022
Business contentMobile game production
3D modeling